Monday, March 11, 2019

The Forgotten Victims

Read article this morning on Free Republic about the emergency responders who are dying from cancer and who suffer from PTSD which destroys the immune system thus leaving the body defenseless.

Free Republic thread for "The Forgotten Victims"

The replies were normal, nuking Saudi Arabia, the traitorous support of GW, etc. but again, I thought why would God allow it? Satan knows that God MUST avenge the shedding of innocent blood and, therefore, Satan uses his historically known tactics to deceive and bribe the nations into legalizing the abominations that will ultimately lead to their demise because of the God ordained consequences of those laws.

Again, the Biblical consequence of nationally legalized pre-born genocide and child sacrifice is INVASION and ultimate conquest.

Pray for outlawing the abominations and being granted a reprieve from the righteous and just one true God.

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