Tuesday, April 09, 2019

satan is diverse

He hates all people no matter what their race or any other criteria. he'll accept their sacrifice just to agonize their Creator who loves them. That's the only reason. There is no enjoyment it's pure hatred. he feeds off hatred.

We lost 4 Americans yesterday in Afghanistan. Satan will use any means necessary to shed blood. Imagine during the millenial reign when people will live hundreds of years! It's God's plan and God Wins. God wins. Not a political leader, not a group of people, GOD WINS.

There will be a time, maybe soon, when cures are unveiled that have been known for many decades but hidden for profit. Be aware. Be vigilant. If God is not acknowledged and given the glory for any victory, it is man's victory, and that is temporary.

Remember the 666. It is man's number, not satan's number.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019


"We have people in the United States of America who breed children in order to sell them and when they are sold they come without birth certificates, which means it's easier to kill them & have no one ask where they are."    ~ Robert David Steele (Ex CIA Operative)

April 2018 commission site with MORE interviews and reports including organ harvesting