Sunday, March 24, 2019


Will God grant a worldwide revival? I think so. Here is a post of mine explaining why.

Child sacrifice is an abomination in the Old Testament and ,yes, some Hebrews did follow the religion of the pagans. In fact, after the split over taxes under Solomon's son, the northern 10 tribes of Israel never worshiped the God of their fathers. The faithful immigrated south to Judah.

King Manasseh, of the south, sacrificed his son and Judah was invaded by the Babylonians. He repented while in Babylon, was reinstated to Jerusalem, and tore down the altars. There are two levels of judgment, national and individual.

“Surely at the command (mouth) of the LORD it came upon Judah, to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done, and also for the innocent blood which he shed, for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; AND THE LORD WOULD NOT FORGIVE.” [All caps mine] 2 Kings 24: 3 &4

Manasseh was forgiven, but not the nation of Judah. The nation was given a reprieve and Judah had a great revival under Josiah, but a couple of kings later they broke parole and the invasion and conquest was complete. Thus the 70 years in captivity and the scribing of Lamentations.

I am praying that all nations repent, that there is a worldwide GODLY awakening because as I see it, it's either an awakening or the set up for the Great Tribulation. There are still nations that outlaw pre-born genocide. The world’s sin is not yet complete just as the sin of the Amorite was not complete when Abraham was promised the Promised Land. Four hundred years and four generations later, Moses would warn the Israelites not to follow the abominable practices of the natives. 

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