Thursday, November 07, 2024

Suspended Sentence

Greetings! Praising Adonai for raising up We The People in 2024. The sentence for a nation that legalizes child sacrifice is invasion and conquest on God's timeline. Suspension of the sentence is possible with overturning those laws but with re-enactment, the suspension is lifted. 

"Yet, according to the Guttmacher Institute’s Monthly Abortion Provision Study from March 2024, “an estimated 1,037,000 abortions occurred in the formal health care system in 2023”—an 11% increase in abortions nationwide since 2020.

"This increase may be the result of a number of factors, including wider access to medication abortion care through telehealth (which accounted for 63% of abortions in 2023, according to the Guttmacher Institute), increased abortion fund support, and “shield laws” in various states that protect healthcare providers from facing legal repercussions for providing abortion care for out-of-state patients.

November 6 article:

I did some research and found out about Colorado's pre-born genocide laws. If Jesus can stop the rain from falling upon a nation which does not honor Him when He is ruling the world, then there is no reason He can't cast judgment on a people that vote to murder the pre-born NO MATTER THEIR DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE! What is this abomination? 

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