Tuesday, September 04, 2018

This is an invasion

Well, that title sure got my attention!

Written by  · September 4, 2018 

It seems to me I read a lot of Mr. Horowitz's articles. I wish I could reply to this one and have him read The Manasseh Judgment (linked on right panel) to learn why this issue is more important than our economy or the wealth of the citizens of the United States.  Mr. Horowitz passionately reports about the criminal element being imported into our nation, nurtured, and their crimes ignored or covered up by the welcoming hosts.

Please pay attention to the investigations going on in our nation by Attorney General Sessions and Investigator Huber of Utah. Never forget Anthony Weiner's laptop and the videos of Hillary Clinton. Satanism is strong these days and the general public do not know about it. The satanists have deceiving cloaks of legitimacy just as George Tiller used to sit in his Lutheran Church. The church of America has been invaded by satanists from clergy to janitor. Same with our government.

However, back to the invasion of our nation. 

Article by Daniel Horowitz: This is an invasion

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