TEXAS. Heartbeat law. No one for the pro-death to fight against because it is a CIVIL litigation. If anyone has proof of the death of a pre-born infant AFTER heart beat detection, then the Murderer is brought up on charges. Anyone AIDING the murderer is also charged. Unfortunately, a new human is created at conception. Did you know a single strand of DNA can be used to create the image of the adult with a computer? Yup. And we all know DNA can be used in court to vindicate or incriminate.
Also, learn from the Texas Right To Life association about what this means and how citizens can alert authorities while keeping anonymity of woman.
SUPPORT THE WOMEN WHO WILL NEED TO KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES AND THEIR PREBORN. this is a link of prolife centers, etc. search using duckduckgo.
follow Abbey Johnson...
Abby Johnson worked at Planned Parenthood. Now she is a leader of the pro-life movement.
here are her podcasts...