Sunday, August 25, 2019

Repost of The Manasseh Judgment Link -- God is Just!

Reposting the link to the study. Our nation and the world is at the precipice. The Spiritual War is at a peak. Pray that God's glory will fill the earth through His mercy and grace before He fulfills what He has warned will occur if any nation legalizes the sacrifice of their children

and shed innocent blood.


May God show His power and glorify His name alone by saving our nation from those who hate righteousness. May God show His power by freeing the oppressed voiceless who have not even drawn their first breath but are still in the womb. May God show His power by freeing the oppressed who have been born and are being sacrificed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Border illegals WORSE than a Wartime Invasion

WORSE than a Wartime Invasion

Radio show on Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

Ep 475 | Reality Check: What's Happening at Our Border Is WORSE than a Wartime Invasion

Published Aug 20, 2019 1:47 PM

Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved

I will not shy away from calling the border invasion what it is. Today, I explain why what is going on at the border is an invasion based on almost every dictionary definition. The worst aspect of this invasion is the rampant identity theft of Americans, which is the ultimate invasion against a human being. And as always, those hurt the most by this invasion are Hispanic-Americans who live in the communities with these criminals, the gangs, and the drugs. I also update you on a media lie about ICE separating a breastfeeding mother from her baby.  That story is completely fabricated. But virtue-signaling is now nullifying the rule of law.


Well, what else do we expect the satanists to do when their master knows that the LORD God has established that a nation which practices child sacrifice will in fact be invaded and conquered.

This blog post "The Manasseh Judgment"