If you read the Manasseh judgment (link to study on right) it is shown that while King Manasseh practiced child sacrifice, he repented, tore down the altars and his grandson, Josiah lead the nation to a great spiritual revival.
However, God did not forgive Judah for the abominations committed and the judgement came when his son chose to follow the false gods and again the abomination of child sacrifice was practiced.
So between the time of the original genocide and the following genocide there had been a spiritual revival in addition to all the prophets sent to WARN the people of God about the coming judgment.
I have been wondering if God would bring a WORLDWIDE revival to WARN the people of the world of the coming judgment before the Great Tribulation?
Does God judge a nation according to the knowledge of the people? Did God warn the people who originally lived in the promised land? Did God warn the Mayans and Aztecs? Did God warn the Native American tribes?.
The reason I am asking is because there is a strong revival going on in West Virginia! I so want to go there!
From CBN news! Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! Praise Him and Pray for the spark to spread!
Could West Virginia Revival Spark End-Time Awakening?
MINGO COUNTY, W. Va. - There's a new sound coming forth from the
hills of southern West Virginia - a sound many prophets have foretold
but haven't heard until now.
For the past three weeks, the large sports complex in the small
coal-mining town of Williamson, West Virginia, has been filled to the
rafters with people crying out for God.
It all started when Tennessee evangelist Matt Hartley visited a local
church for what was supposed to be a three-day revival service but it
just kept going.
"This is not man-made, charismatic, hyper spiritual," Hartley told
CBN News. "This is the presence of God that is overwhelming us, that is
being released upon hungry people that are tired of just stagnant
Christianity and "safe" church."
"They want Jesus more than anything else. That's why they're here," he said.
ALSO, China and Russia have sparks of their own. Pray for INDIA, the nations of Africa, and Australia. Then, the greatest miracle of all, pray for the leaders of North Korea and Iran.